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If you have any information about these missing people, you are urged to call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-TIPS or submit a Web Tip. You do not have to give your name, you will never have to testify in court, and tips leading to arrests, charges, or the seizure of property and drugs will be eligible for rewards up to $2000.

Emma Fillipoff

November 28, 2024

Today marks the 12 year anniversary of Emma Fillipoff‘s disappearance. VicPD Major Crimes Unit continues to investigate and follow up on tips from the public.

Advocates and Emma Fillipoff’s family enlisted the expertise of a forensic artist and worked to create an age-progressed composite of the individual known as the “Green Shirt Guy.” This effort, based on decade-old CCTV footage, aims to generate new leads in Emma’s disappearance.

If you have any info on Emma‘s whereabouts, or the identity of the “Green Shirt Guy” please call 250-995-7654 ext. 1. All it could take is one person to help bring Emma home.

If you have information about Emma’s disappearance and you want to tell us anonymously, please call 1-800-222-8477 or submit a tip online at

VicPD File: 12-47309

Learn More:


Linda Pedersen

June 7, 2024

VicPD investigators continue the search for missing person Linda Pedersen. Linda was last seen June 3, 1981, as she left her apartment in Victoria. She left behind medication and valuables and didn’t show up to meet a friend as planned at 4:30 p.m. that afternoon. 

Linda was 24 years old when she disappeared and at the time she stood five feet five inches tall with a medium build and reddish-blonde wavy hair.

If you have information about Linda’s whereabouts or what happened to her on June 3, 1981, please contact our Historical Case Review Unit at 250-995-7390.
More information about Linda’s disappearance and other Canadian missing person’s investigations can be found on the National Centre for Missing Person’s and Unidentified Remains website: Canada’s Missing | Case details (
If you have any information, but you wish to tell it anonymously, please call us at 1-800-222-8477 or submit a tip on line by clicking the ‘Submit A Tip’ button above.

Belinda Cameron,

Victoria Police Department are asking for your help as they work to bring Belinda Ann Cameron home to her family.

The last confirmed sighting of Belinda was at Esquimalt’s Shoppers Drug Mart in the 800-block of Esquimalt Road. Last seen on May 11th, 2005, she was reported missing on June 4th, 2005, nearly a month later. At that time an extensive investigation and series of searches were undertaken.

Belinda’s disappearance is considered suspicious.

Belinda was a 42 year-old Indigenous woman who stood five feet, eight inches tall with a medium to large build, weighing approximately 170 pounds, with long, dark brown hair that was worn parted in the middle and dark brown eyes.

VicPD detectives are committed to solving this case and bringing closure to Belinda’s family.

If you have any information on where Belinda Ann Cameron may be, or what may have happened to her please contact the VicPD at 250-995-7654 and ask to speak to the Historical Case Review Unit or email [email protected]

Or you can tell us anonymously call 1-800-222-8477 or submit a tip online




Ian Indridson

January 11, 2024

On the second anniversary of Ian Indridson’s disappearance, we are reminding the public that this file remains open. Ian was last seen on January 10, 2022.

Ian is described as aged 55, 5ft11″tall, slim build, with grey /black hair. When he was last seen he was wearing a dark coloured Eddie Baur sweater, black sweatpants and black rubber boots.

If you have any information on Ian’s whereabouts, please contact Victoria Police E-Comm Report Desk at 250-995-7654 ext. 1. Or if you wish to remain anonymous call 1-800-222-8477 or submit a tip by clicking the tip submit button.

F/N 22-1017



December 7, 2023

West Shore RCMP Major Crime Unit continues to investigate the disappearance of Carmen ROBINSON on December 8, 1973. ROBINSON was 17-years-old at the time of her disappearance and was last seen near the intersection of Holland Avenue and West Burnside Road in View Royal, British Columbia.

If anyone has any information about this file and would like to remain 100% anonymous, please call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477



November 29, 2023

11 years ago, during the evening of November 28, 2012, VicPD was contacted about a woman acting oddly in front of the Empress Hotel. Officers located Emma Fillipoff and spoke at length with her. After ensuring her well-being, Emma was allowed to continue on her way. A few hours later Emma was reported as missing and has not been heard from or seen since.

Since her disappearance, there has been an extensive investigation but investigators have been unsuccessful in determining what may have happened to Emma. Investigators suspect Emma may have made her way to the West Shore area after speaking with officers.

Emma’s disappearance continues to be actively investigated. Hundreds of tips have been received from across the country but none of these have been confirmed sightings of Emma. VicPD is asking for the public’s assistance in solving this mystery.

If you see Emma Fillipoff, or have any information about where she may be, please contact the VicPD non-emergency line at 250-995-7654 or your local police department. Information can also be anonymously submitted as a Crime Stoppers tip. Click the tip submit button in the right hand corner of the screen or call 1-800-222-8477.


On March 24th, 1991, at approximately 12:30 p.m., four-year-old Michael Dunahee disappeared from the area of the Blanshard School playground, just a short distance away from his family. Many families and spectators were in the area at the time for a touch football game. An extensive search was launched for Michael, which involved hundreds of volunteers and police from multiple agencies.

Michael has not been found.

An age-enhanced sketch of Michael, created by BC RCMP forensic sketch artist Cpl. Virginia Bernier showing Michael as he may appear at 34-years-old.

If you know what happened to Michael and where he now is but wish to remain anonymous, you can submit a tip on this website or call 1-800-222-8477


Geoffery IRWIN

December 3, 2020

 # 2020-19423

The West Shore RCMP are requesting the public’s assistance in locating missing Colwood resident, Geoffrey Irwin. Geoffrey Irwin has been missing since Sept 27th 2020, from his family home. Geoffrey Irwin is described as: Caucasian male 35 years old; Blonde hair, blue eyes approximately 6 ft tall; Approximately 196lbs with a medium build. He was last seen wearing: A grey zip up hoodie; Black t-shirt; Black shorts ;Carrying a back pack. Geoffrey Irwin is known to travel between the West Shore and the Lower Mainland. Geoffrey drives a black 2017 Ford Escape, which was recovered by the West Vancouver Police Department on November 25th near the Park Royal Mall in West Vancouver. Since Geoffrey Irwin’s disappearance, police have followed up on many leads but he remains missing. Police are concerned for the well being of Geoffrey Irwin. If you have information on Geoffrey Irwin whereabouts please call your local police right away. You can always report anonymously to us online on here by clicking the tip submit button or by calling 1-800-222-8477


Mekayla Bali

February 28, 2017


Police are looking to locate Mekayla Bali (17 years old) who has been reported missing out of Yorkton Saskatchewan.

She may be in the Greater Victoria Area.

If you see her, please call 911 immediately to report her whereabouts.